South End
Church of Christ

4001 Taylor Blvd
Louisville, KY 40215


Ten Truths from the New Testament
Aaron Erhardt

  1. Baptism was immersion, Rom. 6:4. (no sprinkling or pouring)

  2. Baptism was for penitent believers, Acts 2:38. (no infant baptism)

  3. Elders were appointed in every church, Acts 14:23. (no one-man-rule)

  4. Men preached in the assembly, 1 Tim. 2:12. (no women preachers)

  5. Preachers never wore religious titles, Matt. 23:8-10. (no Reverends or Fathers)

  6. Churches observed Lord’s Supper weekly, Acts 20:7. (no monthly or quarterly observances)

  7. Churches sang praises without instruments, 1 Cor. 14:15. (no horns or drums)

  8. Churches assembled on first day of the week, 1 Cor. 16:2. (no Sabbath observance)

  9. Churches wore the name of Christ, Rom. 16:16. (no denominational names)

  10. Preachers warned about the possibility of apostasy, Heb. 3:12. (no once-saved always- saved)



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