South End
Church of Christ

4001 Taylor Blvd
Louisville, KY 40215


Born In Sin?
Aaron Erhardt

Many denominations teach that man is born in sin with a corrupt nature and is unable to do any good on his own; that he is born totally depraved. Therefore, we need to consider if such teaching is in harmony with scripture.

The sacred text says that “God made man upright” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). It also says that children are “innocent” (Psalm 106:38) and have “no knowledge of good or evil” (Deuteronomy 1:39), which is parallel to the condition of Adam and Eve before they sinned (Genesis 3:5, 22). Furthermore, Paul spoke of a time in his own life when he was “alive” without the law (Romans 7:9). That could only be a reference to the innocence of his childhood.

Paul urged the brethren at Corinth to be “infants in evil” (1 Corinthians 14:20), something he would have never said if he believed infants were totally depraved. This passage is a deathblow to the notion that man is born in sin.

Lost sheep “go” astray (Matthew 18:12), they are not “born” astray. While man does bear some of the consequences of Adam’s sin, he does not bear the guilt of Adam’s sin. Sin is not inherited (Ezekiel 18:20).

Some argue that man is evil “by nature” (Ephesians 2:3). However, no where in scripture does it say “inherited” nature. While some in scripture “by nature” did evil, others “by nature” did good (Romans 2:14). An argument that proves too much proves nothing at all. Furthermore, Jesus said that children have a “heavenly” nature (Matthew 19:14).

Man is not born a sinner, he becomes a sinner. For a more detailed study, see the booklet Calvinism Answered.

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